Memory code

corporate memory pages

Preserve and pass on the memory of outstanding employees of the company as part of the corporate culture

How do we help companies preserve the memory of deceased employees?

Complete information about the person
Make your employee memory page as complete as possible - you are unlimited in the use of text, video, audio
Biography Photo Media files Relative point Links
Convenient data management
Simple control panel allows you to quickly edit, add and manage memory pages
Convenient editing Comment control Indexing Access limitation
Add. support opportunities
We are constantly updating the list of additional services that save you time and relieve your hands
Making a video about a person Writing a biography Placard placement
Customization for your brand and corporate identity
Memory pages, plates with a QR code are made in accordance with the brand book of the company, which allows using the service as part of the corporate culture
Memory page on your domain Sections with professional achievements and awards QR code and special packaging
support 24/7
Our experts will come to the rescue on any issue related to the use of the service
Dedicated manager Education Discounts for add. services

Why do we need corporate memory pages?

Employees and clients will be able to learn about the achievements of the company's specialists. Understand the history and spirit of the organization. Better understand corporate culture and values.
# Strengthening and corporate spirit
# Growth of intangible and motivation
# Reduced staff turnover
# Memorable gift to the family

An example of implementation of a commemorative page in corporate colors

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Keep the memory of your employees
for centuries

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